10/Aug/2017 - AMLA - GOC Adult A Latin

Organizer: GOC Tanz Event Management GmbH
Master of Ceremony: Jürgen Dres  Germany 
Chairperson: Manfred Ganster  Germany 
Scrutineer(s): GOC Scrutineers  GERMANY 
M: Juozas Aleksandravicius  LITHUANIA 
N: Catia Antoniloli Vanone  ITALY 
O: Qi Dang  P.R. CHINA 
P: Hermann Götz  AUSTRIA 
Q: Elena Gozun  Moldova 
R: Elena Kuznetsova  RUSSIA 
S: Oleg Petrovskyy  UKRAINE 
T: Marko Vodnik  SLOVENIA 
U: Jens Werner  DENMARK 
V: Marcus Weiß  Germany 
W: Claus Wodstrup  SWEDEN 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 602 Vladislav Zhigarev / Diana Epeykina Russia
2. 705 Junan Chen / Qiufan Yu China
3. 731 Veaceslav Nagailic / Nina Dudoglo Moldova
4. 653 Zhengmin Yu / Zitong Huo China
5. 608 Andrea Rossi / Giulia Caciagli Italy
6. 749 Niccolo' Cicchetti / Noemi De Fortuna Italy

  1st round 2nd round 3rd round 4th round 5th round Final
No. of couples danced 133 99 50 24 12 6
No. of couples set - - - - - -

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