Gold for Italy - Silver for Germany - Bronze for Switzerland
"Mission ensure the title" turned out successful. Gianluca Burbassi/Patrizia Agati won again at the world championship Boogie Woogie Senior at the GOC and brought the medal to Italy. The acting vice-European champions won the Slow- as well as the Fast-final and through that ensured their victory. The silver medal went to Germany's Thomas Veigl/Evelyn Schmidt. They were only placed third in both finals, but benefitted from the fact that their rivals from Switzerland Francesco Secchi/Sonja Emch Secchi were placed second in the Slow-final, but only fourth in the Fast-final. Through that only the bronze medal of the world championship was left for the acting European champions from Switzerland.
1. Gianluca Burbassi / Patrizia Agati, Italy
2. Thomas Veigl / Evelyn Schmidt, Germany
3. Francesco Secchi / Sonja Emch Secchi, Switzerland
4. Raphaël Dupas / Laurence Nograbat, France
5. Miroslav Žatko / Veronika Žatková, Slovakia
6. Otto Valtamo / Heli Hämälainen, Finland