Child- and Youth Protection
German law applies, especially the law for the protection of the youth, according to § 5 JuSchG dance competitions are subject to it.
We respect the right of children and youths for physical integrity and will not accept any form of violence against children, be it in a physical, psychological or sexual way. Any offence will be prosecuted and charges will be filed.
We also point out that the presence of children (under the age of 14) without the company of a person having the care and custody of the child or a legal guardian is not allowed. In company of a person having the care and custody of the child or a legal guardian children under the age of 14 are allowed to attend until 10 p.m., youths under the age of 16 until 12 a.m.
Alcoholic beverages or tobacco products are not to be given to children and youths.
Furthermore, we let you know that changing clothes in the competition halls is not allowed. Please use the provided changing rooms.
If we observe any violence against children or youths like for example beating, shaking or screaming, through coaches, parents or attendants, we will exercise our domestic authority and expel the involved parties, including the affected dancers, from further attending the GOC. If necessary, the affected dance couple will be excluded from participating in further competitions.