German Open Championships
From the Hegel Hall to the Beethoven Hall
  • 12.08.2023
  • Gabriele Michel-Schuck

WRRC World Cup Boogie Woogie Juniors

What began in the Hegel Hall was completed in the Beethoven Hall: Nine couples danced for the World Cup of Boogie Woogie Juniors. Once again, the fans surrounded the area and cheered each other on. A scare moment was caused by the red card from the observer for Alice Paul/Mahe Maillard, who had not competed according to the dress code. Nevertheless, they were allowed to dance the final, in which, however, they then took last place. The World Cup went to Sweden this year with Ida-Loviisa and Aaron Koivunen.

Hanna Riedel/Julian Glaess from Germany reached fourth place.

1. Ida-Loviisa und Aaron Koivunen, Finnland (78)
2. Sofia Terzoni/Andrea Zilocchi, Italien (67)
3. Elise und Samuel Vaulimo, Finnland (56)
4. Hanna Riedel/Julian Glaess, Deutschland (50)
5. Lana Benzagour/Andrea Ponsot, Frankreich (49)
6. Daria Rozycka/Daniel Wrobel, Polen (48)
7. Alice Paul/Mahe Maillard, Frankreich (47)

Photo: Volker Hey
