German Open Championships
Great atmosphere in the Hegelsaal
  • 12.08.2023
  • Gabriele Michel-Schuck

WRRC World Cup Boogie Woogie Senior

Actually, the Hegelsaal has always hosted the DTV and WDSF tournaments from juniors to youth. This year, all Hegelsaal fans were offered a very special change:

While last year the World Championships Juniors and Senior Boogie Woogie were held within the framework of the German Open, this year the Boogie Woogie Seniors kicked off with their World Cup in the Hegelsaal. After a hope heat and a semifinal, the seven-pair final was set. The performances of the individual finalists were loudly accompanied by the fans. The atmosphere in the Hegelsaal was great.

The three medal ranks were awarded to France, Italy and Germany.

1. Stéphanie Arnaud/Stéphane Martins, Frankreich (86)
2. Carlotta Mignani/Luca Rizzioli, Italien (75)
3. Angela Lex/Christian Wagner, Deutschland (64)
4. Susanne und Roland Hasenfratz, Schweiz (56)
5. Beatrice Venturi/Lucio Damato, Italien (55)
6. Valeria Mascetti/Stefano D’Elia
7. Eva und Bernhard Hoffmann, Österreich

Photo: Robert Panther
